Friday, 9 December 2011

7 Tips to Make Your Blog Fascinating and Earn Money

Blogging is a concept which has developed tremendously nowadays and is adopted by many so as to post events, views, content of different kinds etc. It can be maintained in the form of a website or a part of the website. The main feature of a blog is that the content posted on the blog is available and can be viewed in the reverse-chronological order. The best known blog has add on feature where one has an option to provide comments or suggestions thus making the blog a two way communication channel making it more effective. In a recent survey done, it has been found that there are around 156 million public blogs that exist till February 2011.

Basic points and Guideline

Though there is no strict guideline which needs to be followed but there are some basic points which must be taken into account to make blogging interesting and successful.These are mentioned below:

  1. A blog can be interesting and successful if contains content which is interesting and exceptional;
  2. The blog is generally content specific and thus must communicate the same. For example, some contents are informative and some are made just for fun or discussions. The target audience must be selected carefully and must be written in the way that justify the basis of the blog;
  3. Further, the information which is provided in the blog must be correct and written honestly so as to build a repo amongst its viewers;
  4. It is better to write your own stuff rather than providing links which leads to other websites for information and content;
  5. To avoid any legal issues with respect to copyright infringement etc, it is better to provide proper referencing and acknowledgement within the blog. It is the best way to communicate that the original source lies somewhere else and the content provided is just a brief view of the same;
  6. The best way to make your blog interesting and communicative is write the content in small paragraphs; and
  7. Wherever possible try to depict your content with the help of photographs, pictures and videos

Thus, these are some of the tips which can follow to make a blog interesting and popular. However, the blog is not only used to share information, rather, it can be used to earn money.

There are several ways in which this can be done

  • When the original content is communicated it makes the blog popular leading to traffic;
  • Apart from that there are certain advertisement programmes which can be made part of the blog;
  • Money can be earned by allowing traffic to the blog which can be done in several ways. Such as:
  • The best way to increase traffic is by commenting on the blogs of others;
  • One can register his/her blog with certain blog networks, search engines, forums, social sites etc;

Thus, it can be said that blogging is a trend which is part of everyone’s life and thus must be done efficiently and effectively.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

7 Suggestions to Increase the Blog post Frequency

Bloggers often wonder about how frequently they can post new content on the blog. Fact is that there are no blog post rules and the perfect answer to this is “to blog as long as you can provide quality content”. When blogging multiple times a day it would yield you higher results and blogging two-three times a week yields most of the benefit. Also, the most important issue is whether your audience is interested in your quality of content or not. Greater quality and material of content produces better results for search and linking. Also, more frequent posting get you to this inflection of posting faster. This article talks about the seven suggestions that help you to expand your blogging frequency.

1- Gather your Ideas for prewriting

This covers everything you do before starting your rough draft. In simple ways, prewriting means coming up with an idea. These ideas are around you all the time. Write about the incidents and experiences in your daily life. Jot down all the thoughts that happen throughout the day.

2- Build on the Idea

There are two ways of doing this: Either by free writing or brainstorming. In free writing, simply open a document and write what ever you want to in one go. Don’t stop to edit even if you make mistakes whereas in Brainstorming write your idea in the center of the page and then jot ideas that arise from it.

3- Record your posts

Don’t have the time to write an additional post? Try dictating it and having it transcribed for you. Then all you have to do is edit the finished piece.

4- Combination of Content and other media sources

Weekly video, photographs and cartoons associated or linked with the content can help you to facilitate creation of a content.

5- Build up regular columns

Developing columns with built-in and easy-to-execute formats such as customer of the week or book review can help you to blog frequently.

6- Ask for regular comments

Feature only the best posts you has because the most critical element is to add a comment stating why your post is important. At the end of your blog post, always ask the reader to leave a comment about your blog. It’s like asking them “Well, what do you think about this content?”

7- Invite Guest Bloggers

Inviting the guest bloggers can add more value. Make sure they are regular in writing every week or every month. It is best suited for business blogs because diverse thoughts of variety of employees are involved.

What’s most important is to be persistent in your schedule so readers develop the habit of reading your content only. You don’t want readers to show up at your blog and find that your last blog post was over a month ago or a year ago. So, if you could manage the content creation, you can maximize results for your effort with two to three posts every week.